In 1950, the Japanese physician Y.Nakatani has described a method of electropuncture diagnosing of a functional condition of the meridians based on measurments of electroconductivity in representative points of acupuncture.
Measuring electroconductivity with electric detector at patients with inflammatory diseases of kidneys, Nakatani has found out points with the raised electroconductivity and called them electropermeable points.
Having surveyed a big group of sick and healthy people, he has found out, that electropermeable points are disclosed at diseases of kidneys at 9 of 10 researched cases, and they are not found out in healthy people.
As a result of further researches Nacatani succeeded to show, that the given points coincide with points of kidneys meridian, thus constituting a line of the raised electroconductivity.
This line Nakatani qualified as kidney's Ryodoraku (literal translation- it is the line with good electroconductivity). Having examined patients with various visceral disturbances, the scientist has come to a conclusion, that any changes in vitals are certainly reflected on a skin. This implies, that Ryodoraku meridians functionate as sensitive indicators to these changes, signalling about danger and to a certain degree about its level. Further it has been recognized, that the phenomenon of Ryodoraku is marked not only in connection with diseases of the organ, but also reflects its physiological changes, that is why "pathological" and "physiological" Ryodoraku was distinguished. Nakatani believes Ryodoraku to be the functional way for activation of corresponding sympathetic nerves which is caused by disease of internals.
As well as meridians, there are 12 Ryodoraku lines. Nakatani named these lines Ryodoraku meridians and assigned a number and a letter symbol "H" or "F" to each line / "H" - hand, "F"-foot/. Primaily the all poits which are situated on Ryodoraku were examined for definition of Ryodoraku magnitude (direct current of 200 mkA, 9-12 V was used for measurement). Due to the further researches it has been established, that there is a representative point of measurement (on the left and on the right) on each meridian, allowing to judge a condition of a meridian as a whole. In total 24 representative acupuncture points are used in the given technique which give the possibility to get diagnostic information of basic functional systems of the organism.
An electrode is applied in the shape of measuring small hammer, in ebonite cup of which a well moistened in 0,9 % NaCl wadded or felt tampon is put. It is also used a direct current of negative polarity of 200. The representative point of acupuncture is tested on the left and on the right by measuring hammer-contact of the electrode to the skin should be close, the measurement is made during 2-3 seconds per point. The received data are registered in a special Ryodoraku slip - the R-table made by Nakatani inclusive of average values of electroconductivity of healthy people. At interpretation of results the practical importance has a correlation of parameters on R-slip as well as absolute value. If the Ryodoraku value for a concrete meridian is higher than a physiological corridor it is in a condition of redundancy and if is lower in a condition of insufficiency. Patients can have the significant disorder of parameters. If a variation is detected on one Ryodoraku between the right and left parts, it it possible to define the primary part of involvement. At improvement of a state of health there is a tendency to normalization of these parameters.
This line Nakatani qualified as kidney's Ryodoraku (literal translation- it is the line with good electroconductivity). Having examined patients with various visceral disturbances, the scientist has come to a conclusion, that any changes in vitals are certainly reflected on a skin. This implies, that Ryodoraku meridians functionate as sensitive indicators to these changes, signalling about danger and to a certain degree about its level. Further it has been recognized, that the phenomenon of Ryodoraku is marked not only in connection with diseases of the organ, but also reflects its physiological changes, that is why "pathological" and "physiological" Ryodoraku was distinguished. Nakatani believes Ryodoraku to be the functional way for activation of corresponding sympathetic nerves which is caused by disease of internals.
As well as meridians, there are 12 Ryodoraku lines. Nakatani named these lines Ryodoraku meridians and assigned a number and a letter symbol "H" or "F" to each line / "H" - hand, "F"-foot/. Primaily the all poits which are situated on Ryodoraku were examined for definition of Ryodoraku magnitude (direct current of 200 mkA, 9-12 V was used for measurement). Due to the further researches it has been established, that there is a representative point of measurement (on the left and on the right) on each meridian, allowing to judge a condition of a meridian as a whole. In total 24 representative acupuncture points are used in the given technique which give the possibility to get diagnostic information of basic functional systems of the organism.
An electrode is applied in the shape of measuring small hammer, in ebonite cup of which a well moistened in 0,9 % NaCl wadded or felt tampon is put. It is also used a direct current of negative polarity of 200. The representative point of acupuncture is tested on the left and on the right by measuring hammer-contact of the electrode to the skin should be close, the measurement is made during 2-3 seconds per point. The received data are registered in a special Ryodoraku slip - the R-table made by Nakatani inclusive of average values of electroconductivity of healthy people. At interpretation of results the practical importance has a correlation of parameters on R-slip as well as absolute value. If the Ryodoraku value for a concrete meridian is higher than a physiological corridor it is in a condition of redundancy and if is lower in a condition of insufficiency. Patients can have the significant disorder of parameters. If a variation is detected on one Ryodoraku between the right and left parts, it it possible to define the primary part of involvement. At improvement of a state of health there is a tendency to normalization of these parameters.